четвъртък, 19 февруари 2009 г.

Welcome to this activity about free time in Bulgaria, Germany, Greece Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden.

Your teachers will invite you to carry out one of the two activities:

1) a longer lesson plan with an interactive online survey

(your teacher can click below to download the lesson plan).

Lesson plan
2) a shorter lesson plan as follows:
Click on the link to enter a survey about free time (username:comenius; password: comenius).


Fill out the online test individually. This activity is available on the internet until 10th December.

After this date, a document with the questionnaire result will be uploaded on this page, with a description of its results further feedback/discussions.

Optional listening understanding on free time in the past for students with a level of English B1 and B2:

Click on the link below and write the username comenius and password comenius,


Choose Comenius 2008-2010 students

Choose “Listening understanding about free time in the past”

Choose “continue the last attempt” and do the activity.

After you have submitted your answers, you will know how many questions you got right/wrong and why and you can also read the text of the listening.

If you wish, post a comment on the blog, to further discuss the theme of free-time.

Tanks for collaborating.

This lesson plan was created by Chiara Pasquini (Italy), with the technical assistance of Simona Paris and Pierpaolo Gallo (Moodle administrators, University of Viterbo)


As a complementary contribution, the students from Bulgaria made this nice video for all of us to enjoy. Anyway…don’t miss classes next time, OK? Thanks for collaborating.



Please, read the feedback to the survey prepared by teacher Chiara Pasquini, Italy.

This is our comments:


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